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Buy some directly from the grid or visit the Cell market.
To buy this cell, please send exactly ?
to the following account:
please wait...
✅ The transaction will be automatically finished once you send the funds; note it may take a minute or two to register.
⚠️ The transaction will timeout after 1 hour of no activity.
⚠️ Sending less than the requested amount may result in a loss of funds.
Not in the mood? Cancel order
Congratulations, you have bought a new cell!
Visit the My cells tab to customize it. Have fun!
Website created and managed by
revox, 2023-2025
Built with PicoCSS, jQuery and lots of • All rights reserved
Cell has been added to the Cell market. You can remove it from that place by visiting it and clicking Remove from cell market.
When someone buys your cell, you'll be sent an e-mail and the funds will be transferred to your wallet.
⚠️ Please double-check if the address (username if using DUCO) is correct. When someone will buy your tile, funds will be sent to this address.